
Generate Value
Beyond Profit
horizontal pattern
Invest in human

Transformative Investment

Behind Kinvest is a goal to create a set of impact investment products and opportunities that will revolutionize the way in which financial assets are deployed across the African continent. Pent up entrepreneurial impetus in villages and rural communities will be catalyzed with the capital that is necessary to transform local African dreamers and leaders into entrepreneurs.

Investors will be offered multiple vehicles to fulfill their joint aspirations of

  1. A market financial return on investment.
  2. Leveraging investment for transformative impact.

We believe that poverty in the rural Africa will end in the way it has everywhere else: through sustainable wealth generation in local ownership.

The Problem

The current charity aid model cannot produce sustainable wealth to overcome the cycle of poverty. Donors are fatigued by this never-ending cycle of donations that cannot be measured by return on investment and has yielded little lasting impact in terms of economic development and has created unsustainable dependence, inequitable power imbalances, and has stifled economic growth. This entrenched system has resulted in both donors and beneficiaries who are ultimately disenfranchised from their true aspirations.

Local Economic Ecosystems

In Sub-Saharan Africa, the lack of local circulating economy at the village level (3,000 – 10,000 people) means that there is an economic (cash) drain from the village to the higher-populated urban areas. However, despite rapid urbanization, the majority (59.39% in 2019) of Sub-Saharan Africans live in rural villages[1], the rural population continues to increase[2], and the median age across the continent is 19.7 years old[3]. Without opportunities in the village, young semi-educated individuals migrate to urban centres in search of jobs, but where unemployment is rampant. According to the African Development Bank Group, of Africa's nearly 420 million youth (ages 15-35) one-third are unemployed and discouraged, another third is vulnerably employed, and only one in six is in wage employment[4].

Considerable impetus exists for local entrepreneurial activities throughout the continent; however, rural and semi-rural economies are largely ignored by large investment capital, leaving this specific context undeveloped. The opportunity to generate wealth and develop local economies is how African grassroots economic development will develop and prosper.


  1. https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SP.RUR.TOTL.ZS?locations=ZG
  2. https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SP.RUR.TOTL?locations=ZG
  3. https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/africa-population/
  4. https://afdb-org.kr/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Bottom_3_English.pdf

Leadership Team

Vancouver, Canada
Raymond Sawatsky
Co-Founder/Managing Partner for North America
Kigali, Rwanda
Jesse Ratichek
Co-Founder/Managing Partner Africa
Sherbrooke, Canada
Reg Allatt
Co-Founder CEO - Global Excel Management
Vancouver, Canada
Glenn Murray
CEO - Capstone Asset Management